This winter seemed to last forever but warmer temperatures have finally arrived! For many of you, that means you finally have a chance to do everything from yard work to water skiing. And when you are doing activities that your body isn’t used to, it can also mean sore, stiff muscles. Here’s how supplementing with Bioenergy Ribose can help you keep moving as you get those muscles back into shape.

Why your muscles get sore

Muscle pain and stiffness are natural responses to new or intense physical activity. The pain may be caused by tiny muscle tears. In the next few weeks, you might get muscle soreness after you:

• Begin planting your spring vegetable and flower gardens

• Launch a new get-in-shape-for-summer fitness regimen

• Do some heavy spring cleaning

• Change up your exercise routine to take advantage of the nicer weather

How to keep doing the activities you enjoy

• Start supplementing with Bioenergy Ribose. Consuming ribose before and immediately after exercise may significantly reduce muscle soreness and fatigue. That’s because ribose is critical to the process that keeps your cells supplied with energy. It helps your muscles to recover faster, which may also increase your stamina so you may be able to work and play longer.

• Vary the muscle groups you’re using. Plan your activities so that you’re not depending exclusively on your arms and shoulders, for example, for long stretches of time.

• Warm up before/stretch after. Warm up before launching into a new type of activity or exercise. That helps to supply your cells with the oxygen they’ll need as you start asking your muscles to do more work. It’s better to save your stretching for after any strenuous activity.

Be mindful of muscle pain that happens during exercise

If you experience muscle pain while planting those tomatoes or bicycling with friends, it may be a sign of a muscle strain. In most cases, traditional R.I.C.E. therapy works well:

• Rest. Resting helps prevent further injury.

• Ice. Cold provides temporary relief by reducing blood flow. Apply crushed ice, a bag of frozen peas or an ice pack to the sore area three times daily, for about 15-20 minutes each time.

• Compression. To limit or reduce swelling, use an ACE or compression bandage. (If the area starts throbbing, you’ve got it wrapped too tightly.)

• Elevation. To manage swelling, raise the injured area above the level of your heart.

Bioenergy Ribose can be found in supplement form, as well as in beverages and bars. Join the discussions by following us on Twitter and liking our Facebook page.